7 Scrumptious Facts About Strawberries
Did you know that strawberries are the only fruit which has its seeds on the outside?
Lizzie Robinson has been a freelance writer since 2011. She studied English Literature at university and enjoys sailing & playing the piano in her free time. Lizzie enjoys writing about current issues & business.
Did you know that strawberries are the only fruit which has its seeds on the outside?
Singer Adele received a letter from UK prime minister Gordon Brown thanking her for raising people's spirits during a recession.
In theory, melanistic lions could exist, but there have never been any lions of a jet black color found on Earth.
The Echo Park area of LA was the first neighborhood to get an American Apparel store.
Hawaii 2 consists of just six acres of land, and is located in St. George Lake, Maine, USA.
A priest devised the folding chessboard so he could play in secret without being caught.
Did you know that Taylor Caniff was accidentally run over by his father when he was a child and had to have surgery?
A giraffe’s sharp 12-inch hooves can cause a lot of damage, and could even kill a lion if necessary.
There are around one billion Valentine’s Day cards purchased each year, and 85% of them are bought by women.
People who lived in South-east Mexico around the year 1000 BC discovered the cacao tree, of which cocoa is found.
When Jorge Garcia first got the part on LOST, he lost a total of 30 pounds in weight before filming started.
Kanye West’s favorite band is a group of indie artists from Glasgow, better known as Franz Ferdinand.