33 Fun & Interesting Facts About Algae For Kids
Did you know that based on fossil records, oxygen-producing green algae is at least 1 billion years old?
Luke Ward is the owner of FactstoryHub. He has over 14 years of experience in researching, informative writing, fact-checking, SEO & web design. In his spare time, he loves to explore the world, drink coffee & attend trivia nights.
Did you know that based on fossil records, oxygen-producing green algae is at least 1 billion years old?
Did you know that the voice of BB-8 was created using an iPad and a sound effects app?
The ChatGPT parent company, OpenAI, has received funding from several high-profile investors, including Microsoft and Elon Musk.
Mario's first appearance was in 1981 in the Donkey Kong video game, and he was a carpenter, not a plumber.
Every year since 1947, Norway has gifted the UK with a Christmas tree as a symbol of friendship and for their support during WWII.
In December 1965, "Jingle Bells" was the first song broadcast in space.
Frankenstein was against evil. He actually died trying to kill the monster.
Did you know that the distance between the Sun and Earth changes throughout the year?
From a distance Knabstrupper horses can be mistaken for leopards because of their spots.
Did you know that woodpeckers actually mark their territory by pecking?
The horns of a rhino are not bone, but in fact made from keratin - the same thing that our fingernails are made from!
In the UK, a Drive is a small private road, while in the US, a Drive is much larger & defined by nearby geographical features.