20 Facts About The Color Purple
Did you know that "Purple Day" was created in 2008 by Cassidy Megan, a nine year-old Canadian?
Luke Ward is the owner of FactstoryHub. He has over 14 years of experience in researching, informative writing, fact-checking, SEO & web design. In his spare time, he loves to explore the world, drink coffee & attend trivia nights.
Did you know that "Purple Day" was created in 2008 by Cassidy Megan, a nine year-old Canadian?
National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day partnered with Save the Children in their “Make the World Better with a Sweater” campaign.
Bryan Cranston was paid $225,000 USD for his role as Walter White in each episode of Breaking Bad.
An elephant's trunk has no bones. Over 150,000 muscles and nerves provide the trunk's flexibility!
Michael Clifford said that if their band wasn’t called 5 Seconds of Summer, he would have named it "Bromance".
There was over 240 candidates meeting in Oahu for the LOST 2014 event, that’s over 150 more than originally predicted!
During 1922 & 1933, The Coca-Cola Company was offered a chance to buy the Pepsi-Cola company, and it declined 3 times.
Did you know Calum Hood from the boy band 5 Seconds of Summer dropped out of high school?
Did you know that New Zealand’s only native land mammals are bats?
Before Ashton Irwin was in the boy band 5 Seconds of Summer, he used to be in a band called “Swallow the Goldfish”.
If it wasn't for Luke Hemmings, the boy band 5 Seconds of Summer would've never existed, as he is the one who started the band.
The famous pop-rock band 5 Seconds of Summer only had 20 people turn up to their first gig.