30 Fun Facts About Nicholas Hoult
Did you know that Nicholas Hoult can play the trombone?!
Luke Ward is the owner of FactstoryHub. He has over 14 years of experience in researching, informative writing, fact-checking, SEO & web design. In his spare time, he loves to explore the world, drink coffee & attend trivia nights.
Did you know that Nicholas Hoult can play the trombone?!
Did you know Chris Griffin was born by accident due to a split condom? The Griffin's took the condom company to court and won!
Did you know that JJ Hamblett from boy-band Union J admits that he both talks and walks when he's sleeping?
Did you know Nelsan Ellis joined the United States Marines when he was just 17 years old?
To make the Darth Vader suit in real life, it would cost over $18 million dollars.
Did you know that Wayne Rooney built his career and success without getting any GCSE's?
Did you know that Jaymi Hensley can turn his feet 180 degrees backwards?
In the opening sequence when Maggie is scanned at a checkout, the cost is related to the monthly cost of caring for a baby.
Although very different types of people, both John Locke and his father were strangled to death on LOST.
Did you know that DNS stands for "did not start" while DNF stands for "did not finish"?
According to PETA, Lisa Simpson was one of the first vegetarians to hit our screens.
Did you know that Josh Cuthbert starred in the famous West End musical Chitty Chitty Bang Bang when he was just 14 years old?