Fun Facts About Kites & Kite Flying
The smallest kite in the world which actually flies is 5mm high, which is only 0.2 inch.
Luke Ward is the owner of FactstoryHub. He has over 14 years of experience in researching, informative writing, fact-checking, SEO & web design. In his spare time, he loves to explore the world, drink coffee & attend trivia nights.
The smallest kite in the world which actually flies is 5mm high, which is only 0.2 inch.
If Pinocchio said the statement "My nose will grow now" it would cause a paradox.
Did you know that in the UK, it's illegal to handle a salmon in suspicious circumstances?
Is your dog's name Coco? This was one of the top 20 most popular dog names in 2009.
Extreme ironing can be done on a mountainside, preferably on a difficult climb, or taking an iron skiing, scooting or canoeing.
Lidl was first founded in Germany as a grocery wholesaler back in the 1930s by a member of the Schwarz family.
A Japanese engineer set the record for the longest flight for a paper airplane, keeping his design in the air for 27.9 seconds.
#DanceLikeAChickenDay falls on May 14th every year. It's an exceptional day because, let's face it, who doesn't like to dance?
Even though they're called fainting goats, it doesn't mean they actually faint. They don't lose consciousness when they fall.
Did you know that goldfish can live up to 10 years, although the average is about 5 years?
The world record for the largest game of Twister took place on 30th April 2007, where over one hundred people participated.
A strange looking boulder found on Mars appears to show eye sockets and a nose, is it the remains of a Martian skull, or a rock?