Woman Gets Shot In Head, Then Makes A Tea!
After a woman was shot in the head, she had made herself some tea and offered the police officer something to drink.
Luke Ward is the owner of FactstoryHub. He has over 14 years of experience in researching, informative writing, fact-checking, SEO & web design. In his spare time, he loves to explore the world, drink coffee & attend trivia nights.
After a woman was shot in the head, she had made herself some tea and offered the police officer something to drink.
Did you know that a wildlife park in Cornwall, United Kingdom actually taught a rat how to sniff out landmines?
The popular British drink Lucozade, was created by Thomas Beecham, from Newcastle in 1927.
Chewing gum goes as far back as the Ancient Greeks and the Mayans; they chewed natural plants like masticas & chicle.
High Street, Station Road, and Main Street are among the U.K.'s most popular street names.
Hedgehogs are covered in roughly six thousand spines, which are brown with white tips.
A Ferrule is the metal band on a pencil that holds the eraser in its place.
You don't see Diet Coke with Bacon in shops because it was made purely as a collectable item.
The very first B&Q homeware store was opened in Southampton in 1969 by Richard Block and David Quayle.
Tea is the 2nd most consumed beverage in the world and has been around for centuries - with thousands of different types of tea.
A photograph of a variable star V838 Monocerotis was taken back in December 2002. It looks like the Firefox Logo.
The world's first pink bottlenose dolphin was discovered in an inland lake in Louisiana, USA.