Calum Hood Facts | 250 Facts About 5SOS

If you love Calum Hood – the bassist and vocalist from the Australian pop-rock band 5 Seconds of Summer, you’ll love these top fifty fun facts!

Calum Hood’s middle name is Thomas.

Calum Hood is 29 years old. He was born on January 25, 1996, in Sydney, Australia.

His star sign is Aquarius.

He attended Norwest Christian College, along with bandmates Luke Hemmings and Michael Clifford.

Calum dropped out of high school.

Calum’s shoe size is 9.

His mother’s name is Joy Hood, she is from New Zealand.

He has a sister called Mali Koa Hood, her Twitter is @malikoa.

Mali Koa Hood competed on The Voice.

Calum is half Māori and half Scottish. Māori people are those indigenous to New Zealand.

He gets annoyed when people assume he is Chinese, however doesn’t have anything against Chinese people.

Calum writes the most 5SOS songs out of the boys.

Calum was also the one who influenced the rest of the boys to start songwriting.

Calum’s favorite song on the album is ‘Kiss Me Kiss Me’.

In the Don’t Stop music video, Calum Hood’s superhero name is Cal-Pal.

If Calum wasn’t in 5 Seconds of Summer, he would be a footballer.

Calum Hood - 5SOS - 2014

Calum went to Brazil in 2012 because he got picked to represent Australia in football; however he gave this up to pursue his music career.

The song he wishes he’d written is ‘I Miss You’ by Blink-182.

His favorite album is either one of Nickelback’s or Dragonforce’s.

The 5SOS boys say that Calum has the best body in the band.

Calum’s underwear often has some kind of animal on.

According to Ashton, Calum has the best butt in the band.

The boys say Calum is the most feminine, as he doesn’t have much leg hair.

Calum has a tattoo on the side of his chest that reads MMXII, which stands for 2012 in Roman Numerals; a tribute to the year 5SOS was formed.

On June 11, 2014, Calum got a tattoo on his left bicep of a tribal design.

He also has a feather tattoo on his collarbone & and a bird on his arm.

Calum prefers his women with brown hair.

Calum likes a girl who is quiet, intelligent, and has musical talents.

Calum Hood had his first kiss at the age of 13.

He loves Katy Perry.

Calum said if there was one person he would love to be stuck in an elevator with, he would want it to be Katy Perry.

He wants to meet Chris Brown, and even had #chrisbrownmeetcalum trending on twitter in hopes of getting the R&B star’s attention.

Calum’s favorite ice-cream flavor is mint chocolate.

His favorite Pixar film is Monsters Inc.

His favorite color is baby blue.

Calum’s favorite fruit are apples.

Calum Hood’s ex girlfriend is called Maddie Harris.

His relationship with Maddie only lasted for about three months.

Calum’s favorite food is Hawaiian pizza – that’s with ham & pineapple topping.

He loves to drink tea.

Calum doesn’t like salt & vinegar on his chips.

He prefers dogs over cats.

Calum is known for being quite the prankster in 5 Seconds of Summer.

He is approximately 6ft 1.

Calum , Michael & Luke all played a set without any pants on, to a crowd full of drunk people in their Lobby in London.

Calum celebrated his 18th birthday in London, England whilst supporting One Direction‘s Take Me Home tour.

Whilst celebrating his 18th birthday, he had to show identification at the door of the Mahiki club in London to prove his age before 5SOS were allowed in.

Calum’s old Instagram name use to be Calzabrah, it is now calumhood.

During One Direction’s Take Me Home tour in LA, Calum split his crotch in front of fifteen thousand people, the guitar tech guy, Nigel, had to duct tape his trousers back together!

His Twitter is @Calum5SOS.

About The Author

Luke Ward
Luke Ward

Luke Ward is the owner of FactstoryHub. He has over 14 years of experience in researching, informative writing, fact-checking, SEO & web design. In his spare time, he loves to explore the world, drink coffee & attend trivia nights.