30 Facts About Carter Reynolds

If you’ve never heard the name before, maybe it’s time you learned a few quick facts about this popular social media personality, Carter Reynolds.

His full name is Carter McCoy Reynolds.

Carter Reynolds is 28 years old. He was born in North Carolina on May 24, 1996.

Carter Reynolds found fame creating Vines for his followers. As of 2016, he had over 4.6 million followers on the social media platform. He acquired a million of these over just four months.

His first Vine was uploaded on May 21, 2013.

His mother’s name is Jeanie, and his father is Jerimie.

He has a twin sister called Kayla Reynolds.

He attended Jimmy C. Draughn High School with his sister, but according to his Twitter, he absolutely hated it.

His favorite class in school was weight training.

Carter Reynolds is 5’8″ tall (1.73 meters).

To help promote himself and become more well-known, Carter joined a group of young people, known as Magcon. The guys and girls in the group create their own Vines as well as making group videos.

However, Carter Reynolds’ name was even bigger after Magcon broke apart in 2014, causing several of the group members to go their separate ways. Carter stayed in the group, and as of 2016, they are still touring.

Maggie Lindermann, another Vine star, is on his list of girlfriends. They only dated from April to December 2014.

Both Carter and Maggie hit the headlines, not only in America but also in the UK when a video was released showing Carter trying to make his girlfriend to perform a sexual act on him. The video was leaked from his iCloud account and posted online.

He was on tour with Magcon during this time, and upon discovering the X-rated video, security escorted him from his hotel and asked him not to return the next day.

Carter hasn’t wasted any time finding other celebrities and taking selfies with the A-listers. Photographs of him alongside Justin Bieber and Iggy Azalea can be found on his Twitter account and Instagram.

Carter Reynolds Facts

He likes oranges, and in a Q&A for fans on YouTube, he stated that if he had to be a fruit, this is the one he would choose. He also said that his favorite color is white because it can go with anything.

During 2014, Carter Reynolds was so popular on Twitter that one of the top ten hashtags was #CarterTo200K. This referred to the 200,000 Twitter followers which he attempted to get during his early days.

As well as doing fan meet-and-greets all over the USA with Magcon, he also took part in conventions in 2014 alongside the Grier Brothers – three Vine star siblings.

In 2015, his posts and tweets implied that he was considering suicide. His fans were beside themselves with worry, but things seemed to get brighter for Carter.

His beloved Pomeranian named Winnie died in May 2015, promoting love and condolences from fans through the hashtag #RIPWinnie on Twitter.

By 2016, he had more than 2.8 million followers on Twitter, but he lost a lot of fans after the infamous leaked video featuring Maggie.

As well as his popular Vine channel and Twitter account, Carter has many subscribers on YouTube. He makes videos for his fans, including challenges, clips about himself and appearances with the other guys from Magcon.

Carter Reynolds mainly listens to pop and rap music, including Jason Derulo and Justin Bieber. One of his favorite songs is ‘All That Matters’ by Justin Bieber.

When he was younger, Carter Reynolds used to play competitive tennis.

His lucky number is 7.

While on tour with Magcon, a female fan managed to get into the room where he was sleeping and watched him sleep before being escorted out.

Carter’s celebrity crush is Ariana Grande.

Fans encountered more controversy from Carter Reynolds when he was seen shoving one of his fans away when she asked him for a photograph. He was also videoed backstage talking about how much he hated his fans. He later told Twitter followers this was just sarcastic.

Carter dislikes negative people, in August 2016, he tweeted “The world needs more positive people”.

His Snapchat name is carterreynolds.

About The Author

Lizzie Robinson
Lizzie Robinson

Lizzie Robinson has been a freelance writer since 2011. She studied English Literature at university and enjoys sailing & playing the piano in her free time. Lizzie enjoys writing about current issues & business.