Clementine, Orange, Satsuma & Tangerine Differences

What are the differences between oranges and other similar-looking orange fruits?

If you would like to know the answer, check out the facts!

What Are Clementines, Oranges, Satsumas & Tangerines?

Clementines, Oranges, Satsumas and Tangerines are all types of Mandarins, which were fruit that was originally cultivated in China.

They were deemed fruit for the upper society and in the 1900’s, exportation finally began to Europe.

They are all a type of citrus fruit.



A Clementine is slightly smaller than an Orange.

It has few seeds at the center.

The skin, or rind, is thin and easy to peel.

It often has a glossy sheen to it.

They are very tart when eaten.

They are grown worldwide, and it’s claimed that they are named after Father Pierre Clement, who inadvertently bred the fruit in his garden in Oman.



The Orange is a cross between a Pomelo and a Mandarin.

It was originally cultivated in China, but is more often than not found growing in tropical and subtropical climates.

They are sweet to eat, and the peel is very fragrant.

It can be eaten fresh, and the peel can be used in cooking.

It can also be squeezed to make juice.



A Satsuma comes from the Japanese province, also called Satsuma.

In Japan, it is also known as a mikan.

It can be traced back to the 15th Century.

It has a loose skin, which is easy to peel away.

A usually sweet fruit, it can also be very bitter depending on when it is picked.

It is mainly seedless.



A Tangerine has a harder skin than most of the above, and is slightly knobbed like an Orange.

It is less sweet than the others and can be used in salads.

It is named after Tangier, a port in Morocco, where Mandarins were originally imported.

About The Author

Zoe Adams
Zoe Adams

Zoe Adams is professional blogger and freelance writer with five short story acceptances, with multiple companies. Her latest achievement was graduating for a BA (Hons) in Professional Writing.