16 Fun Facts About Clownfish

Finding Nemo was no doubt the movie that made clownfish a well-known species, but what facts do you actually know about these beautiful fish?

Well, you’ve come to the right place to find out these facts. Here are 16 fun and interesting facts about clownfish.

Clownfish are sometimes known as anemonefish.

They belong to the damselfish family.

They have distinctive black, white, and orange markings.

They make their homes amongst reefs.

Female clownfish lay up to a thousand eggs on coral or rocks on anemones.

Eggs can be laid all year round.

Some females even lay eggs in amongst the anemones.

Males guard the eggs until they hatch after four or five days.

To catch their prey, clownfish swim onto the reef, where they attract larger fish, which are stung by the anemones.

The anemone then eats the larger fish, leaving the remains for the clownfish.

As well as fish remains, clownfish eat algae and plankton.

They can grow between two to five inches.

Clownfish can be kept in saltwater aquariums or tanks as pets.

In captivity, they can live up to five years.

Clownfish became hugely popular due to the 2003 Pixar animated film Finding Nemo, in which a nervous clownfish searches for his missing son, Nemo.

All clownfish are born male, and some develop female reproductive organs when needed.

About The Author

Zoe Adams
Zoe Adams

Zoe Adams is professional blogger and freelance writer with five short story acceptances, with multiple companies. Her latest achievement was graduating for a BA (Hons) in Professional Writing.