20 Facts About Asters & Morning Glories, September’s Birth Flowers
The name "Aster" is derived from the Ancient Greek word for "star," highlighting the flower's star-shaped bloom.
Culture & history may sound like a broad topic – but that just means there’s an endless amount of articles to get lost in!
Here we have facts from business & religion to world history & travel, with topics about countries to inspire your wanderlust; you’re sure to find countless facts inside to fill your brain!
The name "Aster" is derived from the Ancient Greek word for "star," highlighting the flower's star-shaped bloom.
The Greatest Generation popularized using doggie bags during WWII to prevent waste amidst food shortages caused by the war.
Mexico is the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world, even larger than Spain, with over 125 million native speakers.
Left-handed people are more likely to pass their driver’s exam on the first attempt but may get more speeding tickets.
Did you know that the Silent Generation popularised some of the slang phrases we still use today, such as "gobsmacked?'
Poppies became an international symbol of remembrance as they grew on many WWI battlefields, notably in Flanders, France.
The idea for a friendship day is over 100 years old, dating back to 1919 when the founder of Hallmark Cards proposed the concept.
Despite the fall of the Aztec Empire, about 1.5 million people in Mexico still speak the Aztec language, Nahuatl.
During the baby boomer generation, roughly 76 million babies were born in the US, raising the country’s population by about 50%.
Larkspur petals are said to resemble the claws of a meadowlark or the spurs on a knight's boots, which inspires their unique name.
Did you know that the Stonewall Riots were so impactful that they inspired the first gay pride parade in 1970?
In the 19th century, it was typical for young boys in England to wear pink ribbons and other decorations.