The History Of Pritt Stick Glue
Did you know that the Pritt Stick was invented in 1969 by a group of Germans who ran a company called Henkel?
Culture & history may sound like a broad topic – but that just means there’s an endless amount of articles to get lost in!
Here we have facts from business & religion to world history & travel, with topics about countries to inspire your wanderlust; you’re sure to find countless facts inside to fill your brain!
Did you know that the Pritt Stick was invented in 1969 by a group of Germans who ran a company called Henkel?
Tesco was founded by Jack Cohen in 1919. He sold groceries from a small East End London stall.
The day is officially recognized by the United States Copyright Office, although it is not a public holiday.
Approximately 690,000 Americans have the shared birthday of October 5th.
Did you know that popcorn pops when it reaches a temperature of about 347°F?
Pound World went out of business because a store called 99p Stores, was selling the same products but for just 1p cheaper!
The first microwave ever built was the Radarange. This 750 lb behemoth cost a small fortune at about $70,000 in today's money.
Humpty Dumpty was actually a powerful cannon used in the Siege of Colchester during the English Civil War.
Believe it or not, but Jaffa Cakes are actually cakes, which is why VAT isn't charged on them.