May 1: Facts & Historical Events On This Day


May 1st is celebrated as International Workers’ Day and Batman Day.

Today is the 121st day of 2025, and there are 244 days remaining until the end of the year.

Today may be an important day for you, or maybe you just want to know more about the first day in May. Well either way, you’ve come to the right place! Here we have everything you need to know about what makes May 1 so special.

Did you know that on this day in 1930, the “planet” Pluto was officially named? The name was thought of by an 11 year old British girl, Venetia Burney.

Keep reading for more fun & interesting facts about May 1st in history!


What memorable events happened on May 1 in history? Keep reading to find out!


Geoffrey Hinton, the “Godfather of AI,” resigned from Google amidst growing concerns over AI.

The so-called godfather, who gained his nickname for his pioneering work in the AI field, resigned to help spread the word about the dangers of the emerging technology.


Crown Prince Naruhito became the Emperor of Japan following his father’s abdication.


Same-sex marriage was legalized in Sweden.

OTD in 2009: Same-sex marriage was legalized in Sweden.


SpongeBob SquarePants premiered on Nickelodeon.


The Royal Air Force began a series of attacks on Argentina’s Air Force in the Falkland Islands.

The air raids were the longest-ranged bombing runs at the time, with the Vulcan bombers traveling 6,600 nautical miles (12,200 km). While impressive, the damage done by the raids was repaired within 24 hours.


Amtrak began operating as the United States’ passenger railroad company.


The Beatles performed their final show in England at Empire Pool in Wembley, London.

OTD in 1966: The Beatles performed their final show in England at Empire Pool in Wembley


Despite running out of oxygen, Jim Whittaker became the first American to reach the summit of Mount Everest.


Fidel Castro banned elections and declared Cuba to be a socialist nation.


Mr. Potato Head was officially released, originally only consisting of the accessories which were stuck in an actual potato.

OTD in 1952: Mr. Potato Head was officially released


General Mills introduced Cheerios.

The cereal was named and introduced as CheeriOats, marketed as an oat-based and ready-to-eat cereal. It wasn’t until 1945 that the cereal was shortened to Cheerios.


The Empire State Building opened.

OTD in 1931: The Empire State Building opened.

When the Empire State Building opened, President Herbert Hoover was the one who first turned on the lights of the building. At the time, the Empire State Building was the world’s tallest skyscraper.


Pluto was officially named.

The name Pluto was suggested by 11-year old Venetia Burney when she heard about the discovery of a new planet. The idea was forwarded to the scientists, and the name was officially adopted on this day.


The All-China Federation of Trade Unions was founded.

With over 300 million members, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions is the largest trade union in the world.


A national strike began in the United States, calling for an eight-hour workday instead of 12 hours.


Construction started on Chicago’s first-ever skyscraper for the Home Insurance Company of New York.


Levi Strauss was founded.

The German immigrant, Levi Strauss, moved from Bavaria to San Francisco on May 1st. He moved there to open a west coast branch of his brother’s business.


The Acts of Union were passed, officially uniting England and Scotland as one country.

Famous Births

If you were born on this day, you actually have the same birthday as Grayson Russell. Here are some other famous people born on May 1st.


Charli D’Amelio



Charli D'Amelio


20 years old

Born In:

Connecticut, USA


Jamie Dornan



Jamie Dornan


42 years old

Born In:

Northern Ireland, UK


James Murray



James Murray


48 years old

Born In:

New York, USA


Tim McGraw



Tim McGraw


57 years old

Born In:

Louisiana, USA


Wes Anderson



Wes Anderson


55 years old

Born In:

Texas, USA


Grayson Russell



Grayson Russell


26 years old

Born In:

Alabama, USA

Famous Deaths

Unfortunately, May 1st has also been a day where we’ve had to say some goodbyes over the years…



David Livingstone



David Livingstone



David Livingstone

David Livingstone was a Scottish physician born on March 19, 1813. He died on this day in 1873, at age 60 in Chipundu, Zambia.

Died On:

May 1, 1873 (Age 60)

Died In:

Chipundu, Zambia


Below are the most famous quotes people have said or written on this day throughout history.


It is one of the chief skills of the philosopher not to occupy himself with questions which do not concern him.

Ludwig Wittgenstein

Austrian-British Philosopher

Special Holidays

Here are some unusual holidays that are celebrated on this day.

May 1: National Loyalty Day
United States

National Loyalty Day

Get your American flags out, for today is all about pledging your allegiance to the mighty United States! There are many ways to celebrate National Loyalty Day, but the best place to start is reaffirming your loyalty to the US and going to some local Loyalty Day events!

May 1: International Workers' Day
United States

International Workers’ Day

If you only have to work eight hours a day, five days a week, then you’d better be out in the streets celebrating International Workers’ Day! On May 1, 1886, 500,000 US workers took to the streets to improve working rights, so the least you can do today is thank them for it!

THe Fact Site’s

Fun Fact Of The Day

Baltimore is the largest independent city in the US, with a population of 621,849. Meaning it is not part of any county.

Birthday & Zodiac

People who were born on May 1st share the Taurus star sign.

Taureans are knowledgeable beings and will reflect deeply on everything in life. They’ll think about relationships, careers, the world around them. Taurus is the second astrological sign in the modern zodiac.

Those of you that were born in May have the Emerald birthstone. Green is a color that signifies hope, the coming of spring, regeneration, and new growth. Even the word “emerald” comes from the ancient Greek “smaragdos,” which means “green gem.”

For people born on this day, your estimated date of conception falls on August 8th in the previous year.

A baby conceived on this day will likely be born around January 22nd, 2026.