The History of American Apparel
The Echo Park area of LA was the first neighborhood to get an American Apparel store.
Fashion styles and the concept of beauty change with every season and differ greatly from various cultures.
Not only are past fashion styles obscure and next to laughable by current standards, but simply crossing into a new state or a new country can lead you to encounter fashion styles entirely different from yours.
Here at FactstoryHub, you’ll find amazing facts about all kinds of fashion, ranging from clothing brands to vintage clothing & unusual things to wear.
The Echo Park area of LA was the first neighborhood to get an American Apparel store.
The onesies made by JumpinJammerz started appearing on MadTV in early 2001 as well as CSI: Las Vegas.
National Two Different Colored Shoes Day is celebrated on May 3rd every year by simply wearing two different colored shoes.
In April 2006, an article in Forbes Magazine stated that the most expensive cowboy boots ever sold were bought for $75,000.
Modern day cowboy boots started once the cowboy era faded, and Hollywood took over and made them popular around the world.
For cats or dogs, pet booties are little woolen garments that are half-sock, half-shoe to keep their furry little feet warm.
Bikinis get their name from the hydrogen bomb testing that was conducted at Bikini Atoll in the South Pacific.
In the warm summer, your nails will grow at a faster rate than they will in the cold winter.
Tom Boddingham became the owner of the world's biggest slipper after going online to order a size 1,450 slipper!
Original Halloween costumes were often made of animal skins or hides to give the illusion of a wild animal.