10 Brilliant Facts About Blueberries You Should Know
Native Americans revered blueberries as a sacred fruit, incorporating them into spiritual practices and medicinal uses.
Mmmmm food! Prepare for mouthwateringly delicious facts about all the foods and drinks in the world!
Here at FactstoryHub, we’ve dedicated an entire section to the most impressive and obscure food facts.
Dig in to these amazing facts about fruit, vegetables, meats, soft drinks, and chocolate that will not just educate you but will leave you hungry for more!
Native Americans revered blueberries as a sacred fruit, incorporating them into spiritual practices and medicinal uses.
Onions are popular in schools for teaching microscopy because their large cells are easy for students to observe.
In 2023, about 15 percent of adults in the United States, or roughly 39 million people, committed to participating in Dry January.
Ancient Egyptians were the pioneers of hard candy, creating honey-based treats filled with nuts and fruit for extra flavor.
Stuffing was first recorded in an ancient Roman cookbook, Apicius de re Coquinaria, published around the 1st Century AD.
The French government passed a law in 1993 dictating how baguettes are made, forbidding pre-prepared dough.
Did you know that there's an international award specifically for writing the best articles about olive oil?
Every year, the Great British Baking Show selects its contestants from an application pool of over 12,000 people!
New Zealand tops the charts in ice cream consumption, with each person eating an impressive 7.4 gallons (28 liters) yearly!
Avocados are toxic to some animals, such as cattle and goats, because they contain a natural fungicide called persin.
In the 1950s, bakeries often gave free donuts and coffee to cops and saved seats for them as it was cheaper than hiring security.
Frozen yogurt originated in the Middle East and India around 5,000 years ago.