25 Insane Facts About Batman
Over the years, Batman has had an array of love interests including Julie Madison, Catwoman, Vicki Vale, and of course Batwoman.
From classic toys and board games to the ever-evolving world of video games and consoles, games and toys have entertained generations.
Whether it’s the nostalgia of retro toys, the thrill of gaming, or discovering new favorites, there’s always something fun to explore. Dive into fascinating facts about all things games and toys!
Over the years, Batman has had an array of love interests including Julie Madison, Catwoman, Vicki Vale, and of course Batwoman.
If you want to find the largest postage stamp in the world, you’ll have to visit the United Arab Emirates.
Ash Ketchum overslept when getting his first Pokémon. He got Pikachu because this was the only Pokémon left.
Donkey Kong games have been around since 1981, but DK didn’t make his movie debut until 2015 in "Pixels".
Did you know that former President Obama’s favorite superhero is actually Spider-Man?
On average, PewDiePie receives around 2 million views on each video after only 24 hours of uploading them.
The Game Boy Light, a Japanese-only release, had a built-in backlit screen allowing people to play in low light conditions.
In 2002, a British man named Dan Holmes loved his PS2 so much he legally changed his name to Mr. PlayStation 2.
The design and name for the Pokémon Raichu was inspired by two animals - a kangaroo and a rat.
Did you know that wrestler John Cena John Cena voices the teenage version of Hulk in Marvel Avengers Academy?
In 2007, Princess Peach ended up on Forbes’ list of Wealthiest Fictional Billionaires.
The Pokémon Go mobile game was inspired by a 2014 Google April Fool’s prank.