Facts About Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Did you know that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 created a comic series based on the character Ghost?
From classic toys and board games to the ever-evolving world of video games and consoles, games and toys have entertained generations.
Whether it’s the nostalgia of retro toys, the thrill of gaming, or discovering new favorites, there’s always something fun to explore. Dive into fascinating facts about all things games and toys!
Did you know that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 created a comic series based on the character Ghost?
There are 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 possible combinations for a Rubik's Cube!
In the Mario Series, there are roughly 78 different types of Mushrooms which can all affect you in different ways.
The Lego company was set up in Denmark of 1932, by Ole Kirk Christian and his son, wooden toys were sold.
Did you know that the Pokémon Slowpoke was originally going to be called Slowmo?
Did you know that Mario has appeared in over 200 games? Luigi must be jealous!
Did you know that it would take roughly 485 billion Xbox 360's laid end-to-end in order to build a bridge to the sun?
There is a popular Pokémon theory that suggests that a baby Kangaskhan & Cubone are the same Pokémon.
A Japanese engineer set the record for the longest flight for a paper airplane, keeping his design in the air for 27.9 seconds.
The world record for the largest game of Twister took place on 30th April 2007, where over one hundred people participated.
Since her creation in 1959, Barbie has had over 200 jobs - she's been a doctor, an engineer, a model, and even the President!
There is only one solution to the Rubik’s Cube, but it has over 43 quintillion wrong ways of solving it.