10 Quenching Health Benefits of Drinking Water
Drinking water regularly can help prevent headaches, lose weight and help with a hangover.
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Drinking water regularly can help prevent headaches, lose weight and help with a hangover.
Did you know that the world's oldest joke is actually a fart joke?
When you breathe, your body uses just 5% of the oxygen you’ve inhaled. The rest is exhaled and the cycle repeats.
Eating a banana can help to form a lining that prevents heartburn from getting worse.
Drinking water and staying hydrated will help the fluids in your sinuses from becoming sticky, which causes more snoring.
Only one out of every two billion people will live to be 116 years old.
Even though the function of the appendix is unknown, scientists still believe it still serves a relevant purpose.
Did you know that only 5% of Americans have had one tattoo covered up by another tattoo?
Ceylon produces that much cinnamon that in the 17th Century the Portuguese and the Dutch started a war over the island.
Did you know that cherries are rich with dietary fiber, which helps you feel full quicker?
Applying non-fat yogurt to a sunburnt area is a natural way to deal with sunburn.
An adult’s kidney weighs about 5 ounces (142 grams) and is the size of a fist.