10 Unusual Facts About Nails and Nail Polish
In the warm summer, your nails will grow at a faster rate than they will in the cold winter.
Health and medicine shape the way we live, from how our organs function to the importance of mental well-being.
Whether it’s surprising health facts, the effects of food and lifestyle, or the mysteries of the human body, there’s always something new to learn. Explore fascinating insights into health, medicine, and wellness.
In the warm summer, your nails will grow at a faster rate than they will in the cold winter.
More than half of the bones in the human body are found in our hands and feet.
Did you know that smoking electronic cigarettes reduces the negative health effects of traditional smoking by half?
If your pee is completely healthy, then that means it is also completely sterile!
Did you know that Allodoxaphobia is the name given to somebody who has an irrational fear of opinions?
A vegetable has no scientific definition, so a tomato can still be classed as a vegetable as well as a fruit.
Did you know the youngest mother on record gave birth to a baby boy when she was only 5 years and 8 months old?
American grapes are available in September and October every year although European grapes are available all year.
Tea is the 2nd most consumed beverage in the world and has been around for centuries - with thousands of different types of tea.
Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
The main reason baked beans are so healthy is because they contain antioxidants.
Did you know that smokers have ten times more wrinkles than people that do not smoke?