A Brief History Of B&Q

B&Q is one of the places I’ve never bought anything from and I intend never to buy anything from there, mainly because I don’t DIY… I get somebody else to do it for me.

Although, it doesn’t mean B&Q doesn’t have an interesting history…

Did you know that B&Q is the UK’s biggest home improvement retailer and has been for many years now.

The first B&Q opened in Southampton in 1969, by Richard Block and David Quayle.

If you take the initials of their last names, and you get B and Q, if you haven’t figured it out yet, that’s where the name came from.

Back in 1969, DIY was a specialist’s hobby, which made B&Q hit the niche market. This is why they became so successful. Now there are magazines and TV programs dedicated to DIY.

B&Q offered the customers a wide range of equipment, long opening hours and made their stock affordable.

Because of the success of this first store, within ten years later, there was another twenty-five stores opened in England.

Now B&Q has stores all over UK and Ireland, with some of them being extremely massive.

They sell things as small as screws all the way to new kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms. They even sell stuff for your garden.

About The Author

Luke Ward
Luke Ward

Luke Ward is the owner of FactstoryHub. He has over 14 years of experience in researching, informative writing, fact-checking, SEO & web design. In his spare time, he loves to explore the world, drink coffee & attend trivia nights.