16 Festive Father Christmas Facts
Father Christmas has had various names all over the globe, such as Père Noël in France, & Papá Noel in Spain.
Pulling crackers on Christmas, trick-or-treating on Halloween, or giving roses on Valentine’s Day are all traditions passed down through the ages, but why do we do these strange things?
Why do we celebrate things like Easter or St. Patrick’s Day? And why on earth do crazy holidays like Put A Pillow on Your Fridge Day even exist?
Here, you’ll find facts about your favorite holidays and celebrations, as well as funny holidays you’ve never even heard about.
Father Christmas has had various names all over the globe, such as Père Noël in France, & Papá Noel in Spain.
87% of British people believe that Christmas would not be the same without a traditional roast turkey.
In 1595, the Christmas Pudding was renamed the Plum Pudding, and consisted of breadcrumbs, eggs, dried fruits & spirits.
Did you know that the world's largest candy cane was created in 2011 and was 63 feet tall?
Did you know that the original Greek name for the pumpkin was "pepon", which meant "large melon"?
Did you know that over 36 million U.S. children from ages 5-13 will go trick-or-treating this year?
The first Zombie Walk took place at Monroeville Mall, which is the location where George Romero filmed Dawn of the Dead.
Unlike Easter and Christmas, May Day is the one festival of the year which has no significant church service.
The first recorded April Fool's Day was in the Nun's Priest Tales in 1392 by Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales author.
In Australia, New Zealand, Canada and UK, Boxing Day is the heaviest shopping day of the year.
Did you know that the first Christmas trees were used in 1510 in Latvia?
Did you know that "Jingle Bells" was the very first song to be broadcast from space?!