20 Facts About Roses & Honeysuckle, June’s Birth Flowers


For people born in the month of June, roses and honeysuckles hold a special meaning.

That doesn’t mean they’re not special for everyone else, though!

They are often associated with the beginning of summertime in the Western hemisphere and abound in ancient symbolism.

Whether you want gift inspiration for a June baby or are curious about the significance of your own birth flowers, here is your chance to learn more.

10 Facts About Roses

A collection of roses in different shades of red, orange and yellow

Fossils of roses dating back 23-33 million years have been found in Europe, Asia, and North America. The earliest records of their cultivation go back to 3,000 BC China.

The name of this flower comes from rearranging the name “Eros,” the Greek god of love and desire. Eros was the son of Aphrodite, the well-known goddess of pleasure and beauty.

In Greek mythology, the rose symbolized love, silence, and secrecy. Roses were carved into the walls of religious confessionals and courtrooms to remind people to keep conversations private.

Rose, as a name, has Latin origins and is shared by well-known TV characters. Movies such as The Titanic and Golden Girls also have a main character called Rose.

In William Shakespeare’s classic Romeo and Juliet, the title character, Juliet, has the famous line, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Juliet is comparing her lover Romeo to a rose, saying that she could marry him if he were not from the rival family Montague.

Roses have become a popular token of love and romance, and today, they are one of the most popular gifts on birthdays and Valentine’s Day. Some estimates claim that around a third of flowers sold on Valentine’s Day are roses.

While red roses are commonly associated with love and romance, these flowers come in many other colors. White roses are popular at weddings to signify purity and innocence. Yellow roses symbolize friendship, while pink roses are used to express admiration or appreciation.

According to Greek mythology, white roses bloomed where the goddess Aphrodite walked on Earth. Her tears for her lover, Adonis, fell as red roses.

Roses can thrive in your garden under the right conditions. They need a sunny location with good drainage to prevent water build-up. Fertilizing them regularly will help them to grow and stay in great shape!

The red rose has been a political symbol of socialism for many years. Political parties such as the Democratic Socialists of America use this flower on their logos.

10 Facts About Honeysuckle

A pink honeysuckle flower growing in the sun

There are around 180 species of honeysuckle. These flowers are found in many parts of the world, including southern Asia, North Africa, and the Himalayas. Most of the species can be found in China.

Honeysuckle has edible nectar that humans can eat. Some also have edible berries, but you must be careful as they may be toxic. Only eat honeysuckle berries if you are sure they are safe!

Hummingbirds love honeysuckle, and butterflies and bees are also attracted to it. Honeysuckle may be a good choice for your garden if you want to spot local wildlife!

Honeysuckle can be recognized by its tubular yellow, orange, or red flowers. The plant has grey-green oval leaves and can be found climbing around branches.

Unlike Rose, Honeysuckle is a much rarer girl’s name. However, some people have this flower as their first name. One example is the British actress Honeysuckle Weeks, who played Samantha Stewart in the WWII detective series Foyle’s War.

According to traditions, if honeysuckle grew around the entrance, it could bring good luck to your home. It was also considered a symbol of faithfulness or belief in a cause.

Honeysuckle has been featured in songs, including Fats Waller’s 1929 “Honeysuckle Rose.” It entered the Grammy Hall of Fame in 1999.

The berries of the Lonicera caerulea, or blue honeysuckle, are called honeyberries. This particular species is native to Siberia, northern Japan, and northern China. They taste like blueberries and can be used to make jam and jelly.

Animals can also eat parts of the honeysuckle plant. Squirrels and birds eat their berries when foraging for food in the wild. Honeysuckle also provides shelter for many creatures, including birds and small mammals like dormice.

Philip Freneau’s 1786 poem “The Wild Honey Suckle” tells the story of a person who sees a honeysuckle and is reminded of the temporary nature of life. The poem has a deep appreciation for the honeysuckle and the natural world.


Roses and honeysuckles carry tremendous significance, and not just for people born in June!

They are some of the world’s most popular flowers and have deep histories and connotations. There is so much to learn about these beautiful birth flowers of June!

They have become a central part of popular culture, even if we don’t always realize it. Next time you see roses or honeysuckles, you will understand more about these birth flowers!

About The Author

Lizzie Robinson
Lizzie Robinson

Lizzie Robinson has been a freelance writer since 2011. She studied English Literature at university and enjoys sailing & playing the piano in her free time. Lizzie enjoys writing about current issues & business.