Facts About the May Day Celebrations

The first day of May is known as “May Day”, and is a time to celebrate the coming of Summer.

Some of the traditional English celebrations include Morris Dancing, crowning of a May Queen, and of course, dancing around a Maypole!

Of course, everyone knows this, but here’s a small collection of interesting facts about May Day that you may not have known this morning.

Background of May Day

The Pagan name for May Day is Beltane, which means “Day of fire”, which marks the coming of summer and fertility.

Every year thousands of single men and women dance around a Maypole, holding on to ribbons until they become entwined with their new loves!

In 1644, Members of Parliament banned all festivities on May Day.

Unlike Easter and Christmas, May Day is the one festival of the year which has no significant church service. – Not too surprising really, considering it’s a Pagan festival!

In previous centuries people would often take the day of work to celebrate May Day, often without the support of their employer.

The USA and Canada do not recognize May Day!

Throughout the world, May Day is recognized as “International Workers Day”.

About The Author

Jam Ward
Jamie Ward

Jamie Ward is a web developer and part-time blogger. He enjoys the world of tech and the religions of the world. You'll often find him at a local coffee shop reading and enjoying a latte.