50 Fun Facts About Nash Grier

Nash Grier, an online star who became famous in just 6 seconds through his talent of creating and editing videos, which he began uploading to Vine in early 2013.

If you love Nash as much as we do, you’ll love these 50 facts about his life, family, and career!

His full name is Hamilton Nash Grier.

Nash Grier is 27 years old. He was born on December 28, 1997, in North Carolina, United States.

Nash Grier’s star sign is Capricorn.

He was raised by his mother Elizabeth Floyd and his father Chad Floyd.

Chad is one of Nash’s managers. He is also the head coach at the Davidson Day School in North Carolina.

Nash and his father run 26MGMT, a celebrity, and talent management company.

Nash has a half-sister called Skylynn Elizabeth Floyd, who has also become an internet sensation.

By the age of only 5, Skylynn had over 1 million followers on Vine.

Nash often includes Skylynn in many of his videos. He featured her in a video called ‘Meet My Sister‘, which was uploaded to Nash’s Vine on January 23, 2014.

He also has two brothers, Hayes, who is two years younger, and an older sibling, Will Grier. Hayes is also an internet sensation.

He is very close to all his family.

Nash is 6 foot tall (1.83 meters).

Nash prefers dogs to cats.

Nash was attending the Davidson Day School when the Vine app was released.

In summer 2014, Nash moved to Los Angeles, California,where he bought his first apartment with Cameron Dallas and hid photographer Bryant Eslava.

They lived in LA for 9 months until they were evicted.

Nash Grier was signed up by AwesonenessTV to star in movie, along with Cameron Dallas, the movie is called The Outfield.

The Outfield was Nash Grier’s first real acting role where he plays the character Jack Sanders.

When Nash first joined YouTube back in November 2013, he gained 100,000 new followers every week.

He uses Google Adsense to monetize his videos on YouTube.

Nash Grier Facts

He is well known for his hashtag #Notaracist

Nash loves hip-hop and pop music.

In October 2014, Nash Grier was named one of Time’s top 25 most influential teens of 2014.

In March 2015, Time also named Nash as one of the top thirty most influential people on the internet.

Nash does not like ketchup.

His celebrity crush is Jennifer Lawrence.

In created Vines for Sonic – which helped increase his online popularity.

Nash Grier often says that his intentions were never to earn money from Vine.

In December 2013, a Vine of Nash’s sister saying ‘America needs Jesus’ was shared by an Alabama high school student and Vine star Tiffiny Semashko, leading to over 300,000 shares, which was the start to Nash’s fame.

On September 16, 2015, Nash Grier tweeted his Snapchat name, which is ‘lifeofnash’ before this; he used the Snapchat name ‘nashgrier’.

Nash Grier joined Twitter on June 18, 2011, his first tweet was “Ive decided to be an official tweeter…”

Nash’s first visited Europe on October 2, 2015; he went to Paris and invited his fans to come to join him!

On September 19, 2015, Nash tried to get a trending topic on Twitter #iHeartNash – he said he would follow “a bunch” of his fans if it worked.

#NashsNewVideo often trends on Twitter – mainly when he uploads a new video.

Nash says he can sometimes spend hours, or even days to make the perfect video.

Nash Grier is a very competitive person – I’d be worried about having a game of Monopoly with him!

Nash Grier has stated several times that he is against gay rights and gay marriage, when many of his fans disagreed with him, he apologized for what he said.

Nash is a Christian and even has a Bible app on his iPhone.

He said watching Toy Story 3 made him tear up – can’t blame him though, it was emotional!

M&M’s challenged Nash Grier to give away 1 million tastes of their Crispy M&M’s to his fans. He used the hashtag #NashHasCrispy to help spread the word.

Nash Grier Topless Photoshoot

Nash is very interested in traveling the world; he finds other cultures interesting and wants to meet his fans all over the world.

In July 2015, Nash Grier visited Hawaii for the first time.

He has appeared on Good Morning America several times.

Shortly after Grier’s rise to internet fame, he joined the group Magcon – which was a convention where fans could meet with famous Internet Personalities, Cameron Dallas and Shawn Mendes were also some of the Magcon boys.

Nash quit Magcon in early 2014 as he felt like it was limiting his future career.

He directed a music video for Bera called ‘I Look Good On You‘.

In an interview with The View, he said his mother sometimes films some of his Vines.

Nash says the best thing about meeting a fan in person, is the fact that he can actually put a face to an account.

If Nash could work on a film with anyone he would choose Leonardo DiCaprio, as he says he is a great role model for him.

His official Twitter account is @Nashgrier.

About The Author

Luke Ward
Luke Ward

Luke Ward is the owner of FactstoryHub. He has over 14 years of experience in researching, informative writing, fact-checking, SEO & web design. In his spare time, he loves to explore the world, drink coffee & attend trivia nights.