National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day


Tacky, ugly, horrendous, and cheesy. What do these words all describe? Christmas sweaters.

The third Friday in December is National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day – a day to give back filled with fun, family, and friends.

Leave your uncomfortable suit and school uniform hanging in the closet and pull out that sweater from Grandma that’s been collecting dust.

Ugly Christmas sweaters have been around since the dawn of Christmas, but it wasn’t until recently that they really started gaining popularity.

Where Did This Weird Holiday Come From?

National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day is a holiday started in 2011 by a group of “ugly Christmas sweater aficionados” that wanted a day to show off our prized sweaters.

Every year they spend hours laboriously searching through thrift stores and online markets, looking for the ugliest of the ugly. And why do they do this?

In the past few years, National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day has grown substantially and is expected to have record-breaking participation this year.

National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day recently partnered with Save the Children in their “Make the World Better with a Sweater” campaign.

Now holiday participants can be “ugly” for a cause. In 2013, the campaign had massive success in the United Kingdom and National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day hopes to bring some of that success to the United States.

The Date and How to Celebrate!

Wear an ugly Christmas sweater on this day, read up on their history, encourage others to join, and donate online to Save the Children.

National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day is also an awesome way to get in the holiday spirit.

For many people, the holidays bring excessive stress.

Instead of worrying about the tree looking absolutely perfect and the Christmas lights outside not being hung straight, enjoy spending time with friends and family by throwing an ugly Christmas sweater party and spreading Christmas cheer.

Rocking an ugly Christmas sweater is just one festive tradition; you should check out tons of other bizarre Christmas traditions.

Whatever it is you love to do, make sure you spend the holidays with those closest to you and have fun!

About The Author

Luke Ward
Luke Ward

Luke Ward is the owner of FactstoryHub. He has over 14 years of experience in researching, informative writing, fact-checking, SEO & web design. In his spare time, he loves to explore the world, drink coffee & attend trivia nights.