What Is A Wolf Moon?
In Native American culture, the first full moon of the year is known as a Wolf Moon.
We spend so much time focused on our lives here on Earth that we often fail to notice the fantastic things far away! Our seemingly limitless universe is filled with genuinely astonishing things that you can learn about right here!
Did you know that our Milky Way galaxy is about 100,000 light-years wide? Continue reading to learn more about our solar system, the planets inside it, and the rest of the universe!
In Native American culture, the first full moon of the year is known as a Wolf Moon.
The word "gravity" comes from the Latin word "gravitas", which means "weight".
Did you know that some black holes are as small as just one atom yet contain the mass of a giant mountain?
For a Sci-Fi movie about wormholes & black holes, how accurate is Interstellar? Well, the answer is simple: insanely accurate.
Ice volcanoes are real and can be found on Neptune's largest moon, Triton. Also they're not that different from lava volcanoes!
While we don't know the exact age of the universe, NASA estimated that the universe is above 13 billion years old.
While space is more silent than you could ever imagine, it's not completely devoid of sound.
There is a memorial on the moon that has names of astronauts & cosmonauts who have died in the advancement of space exploration.
Did you know that the distance between the Sun and Earth changes throughout the year?
The Hubble Space Telescope was named after astronomer Edwin P. Hubble in 1983.
Neptune's moon, Triton, orbits the planet backwards. It's the only large moon in our solar system that does this.
Aboard the Challenger in 1984, Kathryn Sullivan was the first ever American woman to do a spacewalk.