20 Dungeons and Dragons Facts to Satisfy Your Inner Geek
The largest Dungeons & Dragons game ever occurred in Utah on April 22, 2023, with 1,227 people playing together simultaneously.
What family doesn’t love a game of Monopoly? Actually don’t answer that, we all know the banker tries to steal money! Whether you’re a fan of classic board games or fun card games, here you’ll find some truly interesting facts to suit your gaming needs!
The largest Dungeons & Dragons game ever occurred in Utah on April 22, 2023, with 1,227 people playing together simultaneously.
In 2017 the biggest game of Catan was played by a whopping 1,096 players in the Netherlands, making it a world record.
Hawaii 2 consists of just six acres of land, and is located in St. George Lake, Maine, USA.
A priest devised the folding chessboard so he could play in secret without being caught.
If all the Scrabble tiles ever produced were lined up, they would stretch for more than 50,000 miles!
Cards Against Humanity was created by a bunch of students from Highland Park High School as a fun party game for a New Year's Eve.
Did you know that online Texas Poker games have fraud detectors to stop people from cheating the game?
Did you know that the earliest game of Monopoly can be traced back to 1903?
In Texas Hold-Em Poker the odds of making a royal flush hand is only 649,739 to 1.
The rate of blinking can indicate lying, but only if you know in great detail the person's base blinking rate.
The world record for the largest game of Twister took place on 30th April 2007, where over one hundred people participated.