10 Crazy Facts About Clowns
The difference between a clown and jester is that clowns make a fool of themselves, whereas jesters make a fool of the audience.
Halloween may not be the most famous holiday, but those who love it are die-hard and dedicated to getting the perfect costume and acquiring the most candy.
The history of this spooky celebration has fascinating beginnings, and we have all the info on this beloved holiday.
The difference between a clown and jester is that clowns make a fool of themselves, whereas jesters make a fool of the audience.
In VERY small amounts, like a few teaspoons, drinking blood is absolutely safe.
People who study the true identity of Jack the Ripper are called "Ripperologists".
Brownies are easily offended and will stop offering their services if you insult them, baptize them, or give them clothes.
Frankenstein was against evil. He actually died trying to kill the monster.
The Pokémon Haunter got its name from a combination of the words "haunt" and "hunter".
There is a Japanese villaige called Nagoro which has 35 inhabitants, but over 350 scarecrows!
Crows can remember the faces of individual humans. They can also hold a grudge.
In Lithuania, the citizens believe the year is divided into two halves - the light half and the dark half.
It wasn't until the early 1900's that costumes became part of Halloween traditions, and they were often cheap and made of paper.
Did you know owning an orange car apparently means you're fun-loving and trendy?
The practice of trick-or-treating has been around since the time of the Celts 2,000 years ago. Halloween was then called Samhain.