15 Knowledgeable Facts About Kentucky
Did you know that Kentucky has more than 1,100 navigable miles of lakes and rivers to explore?
When you think of North American countries, your mind usually only goes to the U.S. and Canada. But did you know there are actually 23 countries in this continent?
Find out what they are and all the facts you need about them!
Did you know that Kentucky has more than 1,100 navigable miles of lakes and rivers to explore?
Did you know that humankind’s greatest invention, sliced bread, was invented in the state of Iowa?
Did you know that the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893 in Chicago, Illinois, showcased the world's first Ferris Wheel?
Did you know that Louisiana has the highest number of alligators in the US, with Florida is a close second?
The deepest river gorge in the US is in Idaho, and at 7,993 feet deep, it actually exceeds the depth of the Grand Canyon!
Until 2003, a town in western Maine, called Strong, was the toothpick capital of the world.
Delaware was once home to the tallest tower of Lego in the world standing at 113 feet tall!
Did you know that a fire has been burning in Pennsylvania since 1962? It's estimated to keep burning for over 250 years.
Did you know that the state of Kansas has an average of 50 tornadoes every single year?
Did you know that the Georgian city of Savannah is the most haunted city in the United States?
In Arkansas it is illegal to honk a car horn after 9pm in the vicinity of establishments that sell sandwiches or cold drinks.
Did you know that the first ever US train robbery took place in Indiana?