15 Interesting Facts About The Planet Mercury
If you were to look up at the sky from Mercury, the Sun would appear to be twice the size than from here on Earth.
Space is full of fascinating worlds, from the planets in our solar system to the many moons that orbit them. Whether it’s Earth, Mars, or distant celestial bodies, each has its own unique mysteries.
Explore the incredible facts and stories behind planets and moons!
If you were to look up at the sky from Mercury, the Sun would appear to be twice the size than from here on Earth.
Venus and Mercury are the only planets within our Solar System that do not have any moons orbiting them.
When Neptune was first discovered in 1846, it became the most distant planet in our Solar System.
As Saturn has a very low density, if you were able to put it into water, it would float!
Jupiter's largest moon is called Ganymede, and has a greater diameter than the planet Mercury.
On November 13, 1971, the Mariner 9 reached Mars and officially became the first artificial satellite to orbit Mars.
Did you know that there are over 13,000 satellites circling the Earth?
Did you know that despite no longer being a planet, Pluto is still9 the ninth-largest object in the Solar System?
A strange looking boulder found on Mars appears to show eye sockets and a nose, is it the remains of a Martian skull, or a rock?
Every year the moon moves 1.5" away from the Earth. This is caused due to the tidal effects.