18 Facts About the Indestructible Nokia 3310
The Nokia 3310 was capable of 55-hours talk time, and had a standby time of 10 days!
From computers and the internet to groundbreaking inventions, technology and innovation have transformed the way we live, work, and connect. Whether it’s the evolution of gadgets, major breakthroughs, or the ideas that changed industries, there’s always something new to explore.
Discover fascinating facts about the tech and innovations that shape our world!
The Nokia 3310 was capable of 55-hours talk time, and had a standby time of 10 days!
Samsung initially sold noodles and other produce. It wasn’t until 1970 that Samsung sold its first electrical product.
Did you know that Klingon was added as a Google language option way back in 2002?
Paralegal and junior lawyer tasks such as legal research are increasingly being undertaken by AI tools.
Did you know that you can get a dongle for the iPhone which releases the smell of cooking bacon?
Although smartphones are incredible for portability, they haven’t managed to outsmart laptops or desktop computers just yet.
The Game Boy Light, a Japanese-only release, had a built-in backlit screen allowing people to play in low light conditions.
The first phone call was made in April, 1973, while the first text message was sent out in December, 1992.
Android’s logo isn’t actually called Android. Google unofficially calls him Bugdroid.
To tackle bad language in autocorrecting the so-called bad word is underlined but no suggestions are presented.
Mobile throwing is a sport that started in Finland in 2000. Participants throw mobile phones and are judged by method & distance.
Did you know that in 2016 Apple changed their gun emoji to a water pistol due to growing despair over global gun crime?