What Is the European Union?


You’ve probably heard the European Union mentioned in the news or on social media, but how much do you really know about it?

Have you wondered what the difference between Europe and the European Union is? Maybe you’ve tried and failed to guess which countries make up this interesting bloc of nations.

The European Union is a fascinating and complex entity whose history began with preventing war and trading materials like coal.

Keep reading to learn what the European Union is and why it has become so significant to the world.

Why was the European Union established?

Interior of the European Parliament chamber with rows of seats, desks, and a large display of the EU flag surrounded by member state flags

Back in 1949, ten nations joined forces to create the Council of Europe, a group of countries promoting human rights and international law.

This partnership would eventually lead to the establishment of the European Union.

In the aftermath of World War II, cooperation between nations was at an all-time high. Millions lost their lives in WWII, and people were desperate to rebuild their homes and livelihoods.

In 1950, Robert Schuman, Foreign Minister of France, proposed a European Coal and Steel Community.

The aim was to facilitate close collaboration between European countries on coal and steel production so that no one country could make weapons and turn on the others.

In 1951, France, West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg founded the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC).

Continued cooperation between these nations—and many others along the way—led to the Treaty on European Union being signed in 1992.

It came into force on November 1, 1993, officially creating the European Union.

Who can join the European Union?

European Union flag on a map of Europe highlighting potential member countries

The European Union, commonly known as the EU, is a partnership of countries that work together for shared political and economic benefit.

It’s made up of several institutions, most of which are headquartered in Brussels, Belgium.

All member states are bound by treaties that set out the rules and principles of how they will work together.

As of 2025, there are 27 countries in the European Union. Most European nations are part of the Union, with notable exceptions like Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

A set of criteria known as the Copenhagen criteria determines which countries can join the European Union.

These countries must have a functioning economy, the ability to apply the rules of the EU, and a guarantee of democracy and human rights.

Countries are not allowed to join unless every current member has voted to accept them into the union. It almost goes without saying, but non-European countries need not apply.

Why do countries join the European Union?

Hands raising blue flags with yellow stars symbolizing the European Union

Countries have different reasons for joining the European Union, but they are mostly related to trade, peace and security, and freedom of movement.

The European Union makes up around 14% of the global economy and only slightly less than the United States economy.

This gives it significant trading and bargaining powers on the world stage, allowing it to negotiate beneficial trade deals for its members.

Preventing conflicts and building peace are among the EU’s main aims. The EU funds thousands of conflict prevention projects and engages in diplomacy to promote stability around the world.

Citizens of EU countries can live, work, study, and start a business in any other member of the bloc.

This is seen as an attractive offer for countries that want to diversify their societies or import skills and knowledge.

Can countries leave the European Union?

The word 'Brexit' with a red X over the 'exit' part, symbolizing the UK's departure from the EU

Countries that want to leave must notify the other members via the European Council, the highest level of the European Union.

The United Kingdom is the only country to have left the European Union after 52% of the British population voted to exit the EU in a national referendum in 2016.

Surveys have suggested that most people in EU countries would prefer to remain rather than leave.

People in countries that are heavily dependent on the European Union for their economies tend to have a positive outlook toward the bloc.

Meanwhile, some countries, such as Poland and Slovakia, have more pronounced cultural and political differences with the European Union.

In these nations, public opinion is more divided, with certain groups believing they might fare better outside the EU.

Following the devastation of World War II, the European powers came together to prevent further chaos, and the seed of the European Union was formed.

Throughout decades of tireless work, it developed into a powerful economic and political alliance, championing peace, human rights, and cooperation.

Next time you hear someone mention the European Union, you’ll have a much better understanding of why it matters today!

About The Author

Lizzie Robinson
Lizzie Robinson

Lizzie Robinson has been a freelance writer since 2011. She studied English Literature at university and enjoys sailing & playing the piano in her free time. Lizzie enjoys writing about current issues & business.