{"id":12019,"date":"2017-09-04T16:00:43","date_gmt":"2017-09-04T15:00:43","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.factstoryhub.com\/?p=12019"},"modified":"2023-11-22T08:40:45","modified_gmt":"2023-11-22T08:40:45","slug":"watermelon-facts","status":"publish","type":[],"link":"https:\/\/www.factstoryhub.com\/watermelon-facts\/","title":{"rendered":"5 Mouth-Watering Facts About Watermelons"},"content":{"rendered":"
The watermelon, a simple everyday fruit that, in my opinion easily makes it into my top 5.\n
Either the fruit or the juice is a cool refreshing option on those hot summer days – or lazing beside the pool.\n
Whether blitzed, chunked, or as a mixer, this fruit really does epitomize summertime.\n
Without further ado let\u2019s discover some fun things all about watermelons.\n
The watermelon’s origins are much unknown, many theories are held around the world but the big contender is that this fruit is thought to originate in Egypt around 4000 years ago.\n Hieroglyphs and images are found all around Egyptian tombs and paintings including King Tuts’ very own.\n The main theory that the Egyptians cultivated the same fruit we know today is all down to one image that depicts an oblong fruit much like the one we all recognize.\n Even though we all have the same image come into our heads when we think of the humble watermelon we couldn\u2019t be further from the truth for many of the species of this fantastic fruit.\n There are over 1200 varieties of watermelon all differing in texture, taste, and appearance, some being solid black like the densuke and some having yellowish flesh like the orangeglo.\n Over 300 varieties are grown in the U.S. alone.\n The most expensive watermelon ever sold was a Densuke, auctioned in 2008 for a staggering Y650,000 JPY or $6300 USD it was one of the first harvested in Hokkaido, Japan.\n This Japanese fruit is pure black and averages a price of $250 USD per fruit!\n In 2014 Japan\u2019s obsession with auctioning this fruit for extortionate prices continued with one specimen from Toma, Hokkaido being sold for Y350,000 JPY or $3000 USD.\n Watermelons always seem to be the go-to fruit for any chopping, smashing, slashing, or squeezing demos and there are an array of world records for doing just that.\n In 2014, Olga Liashchuk crushed 3 watermelons with her bare thighs in 14.65 seconds, and in 2006 Leonardo D’Andrea smashed 10 watermelons with his head in 16 seconds, both securing Guinness World Records for their efforts.\n In 2013 in Tennessee, USA, Christopher Kent set the Guinness World Record for the largest and heaviest watermelon in the world, weighing an unbelievable 350.5 lbs (159 kg).\n To put this in perspective the average watermelon weighs in at 25 lbs (11.33 kg) so Chris\u2019 specimen was 14 times heavier!\n In 2014 a man was allegedly arrested after his partner felt threatened when returning home to find a watermelon stabbed with a butcher\u2019s knife.\n The woman who had recently attempted to turn the man in for drug offenses following the discovery of marijuana came home to find the impaled fruit and felt it was left there to intimidate her.\n The suspect came in and apparently started cutting up the fruit, he was later bailed.\n Watermelon also wreaked havoc on Israel’s security!\n Apparently, a Palestinian man was refused entry to his home in Hebron in June 2016 after he tried to cross a closed military zone with a watermelon.\n The man, melon in hand, wanted to enter the zone to go home was told by 25 Israeli soldiers he wouldn\u2019t be entering, and was made to stand there for 4 hours awaiting a decision to let him pass.\n Watermelons can be kept edible for months if kept in the right conditions, the Egyptians, and many other cultures, cultivated this plant just for this very reason.\n With water being so short, and watermelon being over 91% water, the fruit could keep fresh and utilized during times of drought by smashing it to a pulp and drained.\n According to National Geographic, this technique was demonstrated to one of their reporters in 1924 in Sudan.\n Watermelons, and in particular their seeds, are held highly across Asia these days for their flavor and are often a vital part of celebrating national holidays.\n In China, the seeds are eaten during the Chinese New Year and in Vietnam during their New Year celebration T\u1ebft, the seeds are a tasty snack.\n The watermelon contains over 91% water, this level is the same as that found in the human brain and this means the fruit is recognized as one of the best in the world for hydration.\n Watermelons are a medicinal marvel supposedly helping in an array of different ways.\nThere are many watermelon world records.\n
Watermelons have been involved in crime and national security!\n
Watermelons have different uses around the world.\n
Watermelons are incredibly healthy.\n