{"id":227302,"date":"2022-07-26T16:00:18","date_gmt":"2022-07-26T15:00:18","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.factstoryhub.com\/?p=227302"},"modified":"2024-11-21T09:18:05","modified_gmt":"2024-11-21T09:18:05","slug":"dinosaur-facts","status":"publish","type":[],"link":"https:\/\/www.factstoryhub.com\/dinosaur-facts\/","title":{"rendered":"100 Fun Facts About Dinosaurs That’ll Blow Your Mind"},"content":{"rendered":"
Dinosaurs have become some of the most out-there animals ever to have lived on this planet.\n
While it’s fun to imagine a world where dinosaurs and humans are alive during the same period, it’s probably not the best idea \u2013 we’ve all seen how it goes in Jurassic Park!\n
The next best thing is to learn all we can about these ancient reptiles and sit back and let our imagination run wild.\n
We’ve decided to give you a helping hand and have researched & written the best 100 dinosaur facts that you can imagine.\n
About 250 million years ago, most life on earth went extinct, and within the next ten million years or so, dinosaurs began to evolve.\n
The exact timing of when dinosaurs first entered the scene is up for question, but we know for sure that it was between 230-245 million years ago.\n
The Mesozoic era roughly ran from 245 to 66 million years ago and is generally divided into three time periods: the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods.\n
Dinosaurs first evolved during the Triassic period, increased in number and variety in the Jurassic period, evolved even further during the Cretaceous period, and then, well, pretty much just died off really.\n
From around 244 to 242 million years ago, small yet agile reptiles known as dinosauromorphs rapidly increased and spread across the world.\n
While they were far too small to come even close to the top of the food chain, they were speedy enough to escape predators for long enough to evolve into dinosaurs!\n
Don’t go running and screaming for help, though, unless you happen to be deathly afraid of chickens!\n In fact, all birds are descendants of dinosaurs \u2013 even the humble hummingbird.\n All the non-avian dinosaurs went extinct, but the avian dinosaurs evolved over the millennia into birds.\n Pterodactyls, along with all other winged dinosaur-like reptiles, belong not to the dinosaur family but are classified as Pterosaurs.\n While Pterosaurs are indeed related to dinosaurs, the connection is quite distant, splitting off from the archosaurs.\n To put it simply, either a dinosaur is a saurischian (Greek for “lizard-hipped”), or they’re an ornithischian (Greek for “bird-hipped”).\n Funnily enough, the lizard-hipped dinosaurs are more commonly related to modern-day birds, while the bird-hipped dinosaurs all went extinct!\n In 1815 William Buckland, a geology professor from Oxford University, came across the skeleton of an animal unlike any previously recorded.\n Deciding that it was some long-extinct form of reptile, he named it “Megalosaurus” (Greek for “great lizard”).\n Just seven years after Buckland discovered the megalosaurus, a geologist and his wife came upon a new iguana-like skeleton in Sussex, England, which they named “Iguanadon.”\n More fossils started turning up, so Sir Richard Owen (who later founded London’s Natural History Museum) classified the fossils as belonging to the “Dinosauria” family (Greek for “terrible lizards”).\n When Sir Richard Owen came up with the name for dinosaurs, he meant the word terrible in a different sense.\n He described them as being “fearfully great,” as in far larger in size than any previously known reptiles.\n Maybe if the first fossil he came across were that of a T-Rex, he would have meant it in more of a literal sense!\n It wasn’t until 40 years later, in 1878, when more iguanodon skeletons were unearthed, that we realized the long, spiky thumb was not like a rhino’s horn but an odd thumb-like digit!\n To this day, paleontologists still haven’t come up with a good reason why iguanodons developed such long spiky thumbs, although it may have been for self-defense.\n In the opening lines of Charles Dickens’s Bleak House, the famous British author imagines what it would be like to come across a megalosaurus waddling through the streets of London.\n Amazingly enough, considering the size and likely ferocity of the megalosaurus, Dickens didn’t paint the megalosaurus in a fearsome light \u2013 describing it instead as an “elephantine lizard.”\n While this doesn’t sound like the most legitimate approach, paleontologists may find themselves doing this on a daily basis!\n If you lick a suspected fossil, it will stick ever so slightly to your tongue because fossils are more porous than stones.\n From this point onward, when we say dinosaur, assume we’re talking about non-avian dinosaurs \u2013 as there are also plenty of birds out there today still!\n The 900 or so dinosaurs we’re talking about here are those which have been deemed valid, as in there are enough fossilized remains to assure us that they are genuine dinosaur species.\n There are actually plenty more potential species, many already with names, that are non-valid due to a lack of solid evidence!\n When dinosaurs first came onto the scene in the Triassic period, some 230 million years ago, the Earth’s continents were clustered together into one giant supercontinent called Pangaea.\n Over the following 165 million years that dinosaurs roamed the earth, Pangaea slowly drifted apart, separating many dinosaur species from each other.\n The titanosaurs were a subspecies of sauropods, herbivorous four-legged leviathans with long necks and small heads.\n They stomped around quite late in the dinosaur age, from about 145-66 million years ago.\n It’s quite debatable which of them is the largest due to poorly preserved fossils, but the argentinosaurus is the best bet, measuring in at 99 to 110 tons (90 to 100 tonnes)!\n The europasaurus was a pretty remarkable sauropod; it appeared like one in all respects but never grew to anything like the monumental sizes of its cousins.\n While its 19′ 8″ (6 meters) length is still quite long, it’s nothing like its football-pitch-sized relatives!\n This odd-looking theropod once roamed around during the late Cretaceous period in what is now Mongolia.\n Although its name translates to “chicken mimic,” it actually more closely resembled a giant ostrich with arms.\n The high-altitude badlands of China, Argentina, and North America hold some of the largest amounts of fossils, or at least easily accessible ones anyway.\n The reality is that much of the world is covered in fossils, but they’re easily unearthed in desert-like environments due to the lack of vegetation!\n I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t make them seem any less scary.\n They would have appeared similar in many ways to a fruit bat, but at a much, much larger scale!\n The fossilization process most commonly happens when something gets trapped between layers of sediment or sand and remains there for millions of years.\n These remains then get surrounded by a layer of water, which replaces the original organic material with various minerals, creating a rock-like copy!\n Until the 1990s, it was believed that all dinosaurs were covered in large scales, much like today’s reptiles.\n Since then, more evidence emerged that the group of dinosaurs, known as theropods, was covered in feathers.\n Theropods include velociraptors, tyrannosaurus rexes, and the ancestors of today’s birds.\n While they may have been mighty fearsome beasties, dinosaurs would have been incredibly easy to outwit due to their pea-sized brains.\n For example, the stegosaurus had a brain the size of a lime in a body up to 29 feet and 6 inches (9 meters) long.\n In the late 19th century, there was little interest in paleontology in North America, something which Othniel Charles Marsh and Edward Drinker Cope sought to change.\n While they began as friends, they soon turned on each other in a life-long competition to prove who was the greater scientist.\n While both men ultimately degraded themselves and could be said to have both lost, they essentially birthed the entire US paleontology scene in the process.\n Specifically, the predatory theropods were the ones to watch out for in prehistoric times.\n At the lower end of this group, the infamous t-rex had a significantly larger brain than the herbivorous stegosaurus.\n The smartest of all were the small, agile theropods like the velociraptor or the troodontids, which had similar brains to today’s flightless birds.\n This remarkable sauropod had rows and rows of teeth in reserve, hidden away in its mouth.\n When a set of teeth wore out, they would fall out, and the next row would move into position.\n Some of the first fossils of ancient reptiles found were great beastly creatures that, by all appearances, predominately lived underwater and were promptly classified as plesiosaurs.\n While they also share a common ancestor with dinosaurs, they’re so distantly related that they remain in their own group.\n Try saying that all in one go without stopping!\n With 23 letters and nine syllables, the micropachycephalosaurus has an incredibly difficult and long name for such a small dinosaur.\n Its name, after all, translates to “small thick-headed lizard.”\n The Cretaceous extinction was one of the largest mass extinctions the world has ever seen, but as it happened some 66 million years ago, we may never be able to tell how it happened. Instead, all we have are theories.\n Around this time, an asteroid crashed into Earth just off the coast of Mexico, which started a chain of events that led to the extinction of all non-avian dinosaurs. \n While it’s a good theory, and is the most commonly accepted one, there are also many other ideas for how the dinosaurs died out \u2013 with climate change being the other most likely culprit!\n That’s not to say that all herbivorous dinosaurs were four-legged, though.\n While that is a common misconception, it turns out that there were quite a few herbivorous dinosaurs that could walk on two legs, at least for short periods of time!\n The asteroid which crashed into Earth didn’t wipe out all the dinosaurs at once.\n Instead, it likely triggered a chain reaction of events that completely changed the face of the planet.\n This, of course, didn’t happen overnight, but over the following few hundred or even thousands of years, slowly killing off all but the avian dinosaurs.\n Nine minutes of those were taken up by animatronic dinosaurs, such as the large robotic T-Rex.\n The other nine were all CGI \u2013 an impressive feat for a film released in 1993!\n Adorably named the Microraptor, this minuscule bird-like dinosaur measured just 2-3 feet (60-90 cm) long and weighed about 2-3 pounds (1-1.36 kg).\n There have been hundreds of fossilized remains uncovered since the turn of the 21st century, and all fossils clearly show that Microraptors had wings on both its front and rear legs!\n Their crests were hollow in many parts and were directly connected to their nasal passages.\n When the corythosaurus exhaled, the noise they produced would have been quite loud but also low-frequency.\n The carnivorous dinosaurs were apex predators that lived at the top of the food chain.\n As they lived at the top, there were much fewer of them than other dinosaurs.\n There would have been vast herds of herbivorous dinosaurs of varying sizes roaming the Earth, which were then hunted by much smaller packs of predators.\n Officially named Regaliceratops peterhewsi, after the geologist who first discovered it, this fossil soon gained its comical nickname due to its unique skull shape.\n While it appeared much like a triceratops, it sported small horns just above each eye, much like Hellboy.\n Like today’s birds, dinosaurs such as velociraptors and T-rexes actually stored air in their bones to improve their breathing abilities.\n This difference essentially made these dinosaurs lighter on their feet and allowed them to breathe much more efficiently \u2013 everything a predator would need!\n King Edward VII first came across the sketch while visiting the home of a prominent Scottish businessman in 1902.\n The plaster-cast diplodocus replica soon gained the nickname “dippy” and was a central feature of the museum for over a century!\n While it wasn’t the longest dinosaur ever, the diplodocus was certainly well endowed with its tail, which measured an incredible 46 feet (14 m) long!\n This was the most commonly held theory for a long time but has since been replaced with two main possibilities \u2013 the plates were either used as a display for other stegosauruses or even to help regulate their temperature!\n These plates were chock-full of blood vessels, so they may have pumped warm blood to them, which then cooled on the large, flat surfaces \u2013 much like a car’s radiator!\n That’s the mathematical average when you compare the weight of all known dinosaurs, that is.\n And how big was the average dinosaur, you ask?\n Still quite large \u2013 somewhere between an elephant and a rhino.\n The pair were in the middle of an intense battle when they were trapped under a landslide, locking them in place for millions of years.\n The protoceratops may have been on the losing foot, as the velociraptor had sunk its long claws deep into its neck, but it wasn’t a one-sided battle.\n The velociraptor was also fighting for its life, as the protoceratops had locked its jaws onto its right arm, and broken it.\n From the evidence we have so far, it doesn’t look like they shed their skins all in one go like modern snakes or lizards.\n In fact, the only evidence we have is from bird-like dinosaurs, who shed small chunks of skin from between their feathers.\n Fossils of this funny-looking theropod were unearthed in Mongolia and dated back about 85-75 million years ago.\n It wasn’t the only dinosaur with a beak, though, but part of a larger family of beaked dinosaurs called Oviraptoridae. Because it had no teeth, it was originally believed to eat eggs, hence its name – “egg thief.”\n It’s since been theorized that oviraptors were omnivorous. \n In 1879 the first brontosaurus skeleton was unearthed.\n Due to its similarity to the already discovered apatosaurus, many doubted whether it truly was a new species.\n As such, all brontosaurus skeletons were marked as apatosauruses.\n This continued until 2015, when an in-depth study into the relationships between these species confirmed that the brontosaurus was indeed its own species, and so the name was reclaimed.\n Quite rightly named the “reaping lizard,” this horrifying dinosaur had three long 3.2 feet (1 m) scythe-like claws on each arm.\n With claws that long, it’s also the longest clawed animal to have ever existed!\n Crocodiles, pterosaurs, mosasaurs, ichthyosaurs, and dinosaurs all have a few things in common.\n They’re all reptiles, to start with, but it’s more than that.\n They all evolved from one common group of ancestors, the archosaurs, between 250 to 200 million years ago.\n These stones, known as gastroliths, may have helped herbivores to grind down the vegetation they ate into more digestible pieces.\n Plesiosaurs also may have swallowed stones to help manage their buoyancy, much like tadpoles and axolotl do today.\n We suspected that dinosaurs laid eggs, as they were reptiles after all, but there hadn’t been any proof.\n The smoking gun came in 1923 when a collection of fossilized dinosaur eggs were discovered in Mongolia.\n Nearly all fossilized dinosaur eggs that have been discovered had hard shells, much like bird’s eggs today.\n A few fossilized soft-shelled eggs were unearthed that date back to the first dinosaurs, suggesting that the earliest dinosaurs laid their eggs and buried them like modern lizards.\n Although they were reptiles, ichthyosaurs such as the Stenopterygius were similar in many ways to today’s dolphins.\n Instead of birthing eggs, they developed their young in embryos, only giving birth to them once they were ready to swim.\n The spinosaurus (Greek for “spine lizard”) was not only the largest meat-eating dinosaur but had huge spines sticking out of its back which formed a kind of sail.\n Spinosaurus fossils indicate that they could grow up to 46 feet (14 meters) long and weigh around 8 US tons (7.4 tonnes).\n Some scientists believe that dinosaurs would have had rather dull colors, like elephants and rhinos, so they could blend in with the environment and avoid predators.\n On the contrary, it’s also commonly theorized that dinosaurs were actually brightly colored so that they could easily attract potential mates, much like today’s birds.\n In some cases, it was likely a combination of both!\n Can you imagine looking into the sky and seeing a dinosaur-like creature the size of a small plane soaring overhead?\n The Quetzalcoatlus northropi (named after the Mesoamerican god) lived in the late Cretaceous period and had a mind-bending 23-43 foot (7\u201313 m) wingspan.\n This six-foot (2 m) long herbivore was first discovered during a dig in the Australian state of Victoria in 1996 but spent three years without a name.\n Finally, in 1999, it was named the qantassaurus after QANTAS, the Australian airline which at the time sponsored the transport of many dinosaur fossils across Australia.\n Unfortunately, it’s incredibly challenging to figure out which footprint belonged to which dinosaur, with most tracks left unidentified.\n At the beginning of the 19th century, science was still a man’s line of work, making life increasingly frustrating for Mary Anning.\n Despite this, she persevered and unearthed fossil after fossil, including the first-ever pterosaur found outside of Germany.\n The ostrich mimic ornithomimids were named as such because they were bird-like and covered in feathers.\n From the analysis of fossilized footprints, it was ascertained that dinosaurs of this genus were among the fastest, reaching speeds up to 25 miles per hour (40 km per hour).\n With more horns than any other known dinosaur, the kosmoceratops, a relative of the triceratops, certainly had the most ornate skull.\n It lived during the late Cretaceous period, somewhere between 76-75 million years ago.\n The raptors in the novel and the films were based almost entirely on deinonychuses, a completely different and much larger raptor found in the US. That said, even they weren’t as large as the velociraptors in the films!\n Michael Chrichton, the author of Jurassic Park, met with the discoverer of the deinonychus to learn about the raptor’s behavior.\n He even admitted that the raptors in his novel were deinonychuses in all but name!\n When they were first discovered, it was believed that Deinonychus (along with many other Dromaesaurids) used their razor-sharp hind claws as a weapon. \n This belief has since been questioned by many scientists, with a range of possible answers. One prominent theory is that they used their hind claws to grip onto prey so they could tear at them with their much sharper teeth.\n While they were probably still pretty terrifying, they were nothing like the nightmare-inducing raptors from Jurassic Park.\n In fact, more recently discovered velociraptor fossils have proved that they had long, feathered tails and wing feathers on their arms.\n Henry Fairfield Osborn, then the American Museum of Natural History president, gave the velociraptor its name in 1924.\n He named it as such because of his quite accurate assessment that it would have been an incredibly swift yet agile carnivorous dinosaur.\n Measuring at 10.49 feet (3.2 m) high, the skull of the pentaceratops was also the largest of any animal ever to walk the earth!\n While the Jurassic Park series certainly made dinosaurs much more popular, it wasn’t entirely accurate.\n Out of all the dinosaurs featured in the first film, only the brachiosaurus and the dilophosaurus actually belonged to the Jurassic period, while the rest mostly belonged to the Cretaceous period.\n To give you an idea of how wrong this was, the Jurassic period ranged from 200 to 145 million years ago, while the Cretaceous ranged from 145 to 66 million years ago!\n This thick-headed dinosaur likely had the thickest skull of all, leading paleontologists to wonder what it could have been used for.\n Some believe they would have head-butted each other to display their strength, but this theory is a little questionable as it appears their neck bones weren’t strong enough to withstand such strong impacts.\n A herbivore like today’s giraffes, the brachiosaurus made use of its long neck to feed on the choicest parts of trees that were untouched by smaller dinosaurs.\n Its front legs were longer than its back legs, hence why it was given a name that translates to “arms lizard.”\n The Guinness World Record for the largest collection of coprolite is 1,277, which is owned by George Frandsen.\n Frandsen first became fascinated with coprolite when he was in college, where he was studying paleontology.\n His fascination comes from the fact that you’re able to tell so much about a dinosaur’s lifestyle and diet by examining their fossilized feces!\n This monstrous piece of poop is also owned by George Frandsen and most likely came out of a T-Rex’s rear end sometime around 70-66 million years ago.\n Nicknamed “Barnum,” after the man who first discovered the T-Rex, it weighs 20.47 lbs (9.28 kg) and measures 26.5 by 6.2 inches (67.5 by 15.7 cm).\n For a long time, Nintendo claimed otherwise, but now they’ve officially done a U-turn and stated straight up that he’s not a dinosaur \u2013 he’s simply a Yoshi!\n In 1858 William Parker Foulke discovered the first fossilized Hadrosaurus skeleton, which also happened to be the most intact dinosaur skeleton unearthed by this point.\n In 1868, the hadrosaurus was mounted in the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia. It drew people from all over the world and inspired generations of future paleontologists!\n This duck-billed family of dinosaurs, which included the Edmontosaurus and Parasaurolophus, had as many as 960 flat teeth.\n They used their powerful jaws and teeth to grind up plant matter into a more digestible state.\n When the fossilized arms were discovered, scientists were quick to give the new dinosaur a name \u2013 deinocheirus, which translates into “terrible arms.”\n To be fair, going off the arms alone, this dinosaur certainly looked formidable.\n When full skeletons were discovered 50 years later, this awkward-looking dinosaur became quite the laughing stock of the paleontology world!\n No really. In 2006, scientists decided to name a newly discovered dinosaur Dracorex hogwartsia, which translates into “dragon king of Hogwarts.”\n The first part of its name is inspired by the fact that this dinosaur’s skull is very similar in appearance to a mythical dragon!\n Unfortunately for Harry Potter fans, it turns out that the skull that the new dinosaur was based on was actually from a juvenile Pachycephalosaurus.\n While we can’t tell what dinosaur the tail could have been from, it’s unmistakably from a dinosaur.\n What’s particularly fascinating is that it was from a feathered dinosaur, and the feathers have been immaculately preserved within the amber.\n Quite literally, as that’s what the name it was given translates to.\n These fearsome beasties were some of the largest carnivorous dinosaurs, so it’s easy to see where the name came from! \n Despite being featured in Jurassic Park, they actually lived during the Cretaceous period.\n Not the most terrifying name, we’ll admit, but Sue the Tyrant King surely has a nice ring to it.\n Sue was discovered by Sue Hendrickson and was later nicknamed in her honor.\n She was certainly a massive creature, though, measuring 13 feet (4 m) tall at the hips and 40 feet (12.3 m) long.\n Tyrannosaurus rexes have been found all over western North America, making them one of the more mobile dinosaurs of their time.\n While many of the skeletons we’ve discovered were quite fragmented, quite a few of them were almost complete \u2013 hence why we have such great reconstructions of them!\n According to recent calculations, they were capable of biting down on things with a force of 7.1 tons (6.5 tonnes) of force, about four times as much as a saltwater crocodile.\n This type of force allowed them to bite straight through bone, and not just any bones, but giant dinosaur bones!\nPterodactyls are not actually dinosaurs.\n
Dinosaurs are split into two main categories.\n
The first dinosaur was named before we even knew dinosaurs existed.\n
Dinosaurs were only classified in 1842.\n
Dinosaurs weren’t named as such because they inspired terror.\n
When the iguanodon was first reconstructed, its thumb was placed on top of its nose.\n
The megalosaurus was so popular in the 19th century that Charles Dickens included it in one of his novels.\n
You can tell the difference between a dinosaur fossil and a stone by licking it.\n
More than 900 different dinosaurs roamed Earth.\n
Dinosaurs lived on all of Earth’s continents.\n
The largest dinosaurs were the titanosaurs.\n
The smallest sauropod was only slightly heavier than a bull.\n
Gallimimuses had beaks instead of teeth.\n
Most of the world’s dinosaur fossils are found in three places.\n
Some pterosaurs were covered in fur.\n
Most fossilized dinosaur bones aren’t actually bones anymore.\n
Some dinosaurs were covered in feathers!\n
Most dinosaurs weren’t very brainy.\n
Two of the world’s most famous paleontologists hated each other.\n
The smartest dinosaurs were all carnivores.\n
The nigersaurus replaced its teeth as often as every fourteen days!\n
If it lives in water, it isn’t a dinosaur.\n
The dinosaur with the longest name was the micropachycephalosaurus.\n
We don’t actually know what killed the dinosaurs, and we may never find out.\n
All four-legged dinosaurs were herbivores.\n
Dinosaurs didn’t all go extinct at the same time, either.\n
In the entirety of the first Jurassic Park movie, there were just 15 minutes in which dinosaurs were shown.\n
Some dinosaurs had four wings.\n
Corythosauruses used their crests to make loud, trombone-like sounds.\n
The majority of dinosaurs were herbivores.\n
A new triceratops relative was nicknamed “Hellboy,” after the popular comic book character.\n
Some carnivorous dinosaurs had hollow bones.\n
When King Edward VII saw sketches of the first diplodocus skeleton, he requested a cast of it for London’s Natural History Museum.\n
Diplodocuses had the longest tails of any known dinosaurs.\n
The plates that Stegosauruses had along their backs weren’t used for defense.\n
The average dinosaur weighed about 7,700 lbs (3,493 kg).\n
There’s a fossil of a protoceratops and a velociraptor caught in the middle of a deathmatch.\n
Some dinosaurs may have shed their skins.\n
The oviraptor had a beak instead of teeth.\n
People debated whether the brontosaurus was a unique species for more than a hundred years.\n
The dinosaur with the longest claws was the therizinosaurs.\n
Dinosaurs were distantly related to crocodiles.\n
Some dinosaurs intentionally swallowed huge stones.\n
Up until 1923, we didn’t know how dinosaurs were born.\n
Not all dinosaurs laid the same kinds of eggs.\n
Some ichthyosaurs gave birth to their infants tail-first, to prevent them from drowning before they reached the water’s surface.\n
The longest carnivorous dinosaur was the spinosaurus.\n
We have no idea what color dinosaurs were.\n
The Quetzalcoatlus northropi had the largest wingspan out of any known pterosaurs.\n
The qantassaurus was named after Australia’s main commercial airline.\n
We’re able to estimate the speed of dinosaurs from their fossilized footprints.\n
One of the UK’s greatest early paleontology pioneers was not recognized in her time because she was a woman.\n
The fastest dinosaurs had long ostrich-like limbs.\n
The kosmoceratops had fifteen horns sticking out of its face.\n
The velociraptors in Jurassic Park were actually a completely different raptor.\n
Deinonychuses didn’t use their claws to disembowel their prey.\n
Velociraptors were about the same size as turkeys.\n
Velociraptors’ name translates into “speedy thief.”\n
The pentaceratops had the largest skull out of any known dinosaurs.\n
Most dinosaurs in Jurassic Park didn’t live during the Jurassic period.\n
Pachycephalosaurus wyomingensis had a 9-inch (23 cm) thick skull.\n
Brachiosauruses had long, giraffe-like necks.\n
Fossilized dinosaur poop is called coprolite, and it’s highly prized by collectors.\n
The largest piece of carnivore coprolite weighs about as much as a dachshund!\n
According to Nintendo, Yoshi is not a dinosaur.\n
The first complete dinosaur skeleton to be mounted in a museum was a hadrosaurus.\n
A group of dinosaurs known as the hadrosaurs had the most teeth.\n
For 50 years, the deinocheirus was known only for its arms.\n
Hogwarts School of Witcraft and Wizardry had its own dinosaur.\n
A piece of amber from Myanmar was found with a fully preserved dinosaur tail.\n
The Tyrannosaurus rex was named the “Tyrant King.”\n
The largest complete T-Rex skeleton ever discovered was named Sue.\n
More than fifty T-Rex skeletons have been unearthed.\n
The bite of a T-Rex had more force than any other creature that’s ever walked on land.\n
Colorado’s official state dinosaur is the stegosaurus.\n