{"id":467,"date":"2013-02-26T17:00:00","date_gmt":"2013-02-26T17:00:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.factstoryhub.com\/2013\/02\/facts-about-game-of-thrones.html"},"modified":"2021-03-17T12:57:29","modified_gmt":"2021-03-17T12:57:29","slug":"facts-about-game-of-thrones","status":"publish","type":[],"link":"https:\/\/www.factstoryhub.com\/facts-about-game-of-thrones\/","title":{"rendered":"30 Facts About Game of Thrones Series"},"content":{"rendered":"
If you’re a fan of Game of Thrones, check out the most interesting facts about this television series.\n
HBO’s T.V. Show Game of Thrones is based on a series of books by author George R. R. Martin known as the Song of Ice and Fire series.\n
When making an ideal cast, Martin and producers David Benioff and Dan Weiss had only two definite actors in mind. These being Peter Dinklage (Tyrion) and Sean Bean (Eddard).\n
In the original pilot “Winter is Coming” for Game of Thrones there are several actors who were replaced later on, including those that originally played Catelyn Stark and Daenerys Stormborn.\n
MagistarIllyrio’s manse across the Narrow Sea is actually the summer palace of Malta’s president. Although camera crews were not permitted to film inside, the palace was also used as the Red Keep’s gardens in King’s Landing.\n
All of the snow and ice that is seen on-set is created for the use of Game of Thrones.\n
After the filming of the third episode, Sophie Turner (Sansa) adopted the dog that played Sansa’s direwolf Lady.\n
The first season of Game of Thrones premiered on April 17, 2011, which is also Sean Bean’s birthday!\n Shortly after the filming of the Dothraki wedding was completed, Malta was hit by one of the worst storms in their history, causing many of the props to be lost at sea!\n HBO commissioned the Dothraki tongue through the Language Creation Society and created by linguistics expert David Peterson. At the start of filming, there were approximately 1700 words, and there are now 3000.\n Actor Liam Burke was cast as Aerys II Targaryen, the ‘Mad King’, in flashback scenes but these scenes were cut from filming.\n Actress Maisie Williams is right-handed, although her character Arya is left-handed, so she learned all her fight scenes with Syrio left-handedly.\n In his audition tape, Jason Momoa (KhalDrogo) performed the Haka dance, an ancestral war-cry, dance or challenge of the Maori people from New Zealand.\n Most cast members haven’t read the books that the series is based on so as not to find out their characters’ fate as some think this will affect their acting.\n In a letter to actor Jack Gleeson (Joffrey), author Martin complimented him on his acting saying “Congratulations on your marvelous performance, everyone hates you.”\n There are more words within the Dothraki tongue for ‘kill’ than there are for ‘love’.\n The part when Ser Hugh of the Vale dies – including the falling horse, the spurting blood and other effects – was kept as a secret from the likes of Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams (Sansa& Arya) to create a genuine reaction.\n The crypts beneath Winterfell and the dungeon beneath the Red Keep in King’s Landing are the same set.\n