You’ve probably heard some of the madness that surrounds Black Friday; well, it’s about to get a little crazier!\n
Black Friday is the start of the biggest shopping weekend of the entire year; it’s full of amazing deals, cheap TVs, and people who literally act crazy!\n
Here are the top 10 facts about the unique tradition of Black Friday!\n
The term was used for the first time on September 24, 1869, when James Fisk and Jay Gould were trying to corner the gold market on the NYSE.\n
However, the first “Santa Claus parade” was held on December 2, 1905, in Canada.\n
American stores took the lead and began to have similar parades all across the United States.\n
In 1924, the premier Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade was held.\n
From the mid-19th to the early 20th Century, the US president would declare a “day of giving thanks” on the last Thursday in November.\n
This changed in 1939 when the last Thursday was the last day of the month.\n
In 1941, Congress created a joint resolution to clear things up.\n
After that, Thanksgiving was always celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November, which gave shoppers one extra week to shop before Christmas.\n
According to a 1975 report from the NY Times, the term “Black Friday” is Philadelphia slang.\n
It was thought of as being the biggest shopping day of the year.\n
However, it was actually the Saturday before Christmas that beat it every year until 2001.\n
El Buen Fin actually lasts for the entire weekend instead of just one day.\n
The tradition of Black Friday shopping was broken when Walmart opened up its store on the evening of Thanksgiving.\n
Since that time, retailers are engaged in a race against the clock to catch up with the times.\n
This is known as Gray Thursday.\n
Why do we celebrate Black Friday? For the deals, of course! If you don’t like the madness of Black Friday, fear not; Cyber Monday is gaining in popularity when millions of shoppers sit at home ready to click “add to cart” when the item they\u2019re watching goes on sale.\n